E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Friday, December 30, 2016


..what is "found" art ?

...what is randomness?

I'm shooting less shots than ever...what's the point?

...was walking down the street and was intrigued by this.

What's a root?

What's a spill?

What's a root and a spill?

...ART ?

Sunday, December 18, 2016


....an issue for you....!!

Here's a clue.  The penis goes in the front hole,
not the back.

It's Ying & Yang

Ying, Ying
 Yang, Yang

There's a reason for
boys and girls,

There's a reason the little white stuff
cums out.

If it wasn't for heterosexuals
there'd be no homosexuals.

If your daddy didn't know the front hole
from the back you'd be down the toilet with
 the rest of the shit



National Geographic

deviates from traditional content and jumps on
board the Fake News bandwagon with a real story about a
fake girl.  Helping to continue the psych-op
programming and manipulation of


It sez below that:

"The best thing about being a girl now is
I don't have to pretend to be a boy"

The good news is now you can pretend to be a girl.
There are a lot of fakes running around pretending
to be something they're not.  It is a mental disorder, not a civil right.

What harm is a little fake news?  That's the way
pretender's like the news....fake.  Reality
is scary.


I hear him screaming now that he's a girl.  Just because you say or think your a girl doesn't mean you are. It's a biological impossibility.  Do you really want to mutilate your self and spend a life time on drugs pretending like an actor to be something your not, too fulfill a fantasy.

Your just confused.  You know how you can tell
what you are?  Look between your legs.  If it's penis, your a boy.  Girls have vagina. Self acceptance is a good thing.

If in your head you think your something else, the problem
is in your head.  If it's in your head the solution is as simple as changing your mind.  If you choose not to, that's a choice you make.  Choices have consequences.

Every cloud has a silver lining.  They don't

I wonder if the story is fake?

Is black white?
Is up really down
and wrong really

Quien sabe?

What's real, what's not?
I'm confused

Maybe that's the objective all along

Thursday, December 15, 2016


..was Huff & Puffs banner headline
this morning.

Magin dat'

Yesterday it was a distorted piece of B.S. designed
to glorify black wimmen.

(Note: New editor is a black lesbian)

Today it's the degradation of white men.
What is racism and sexism?

The complaint was Trump's pick were
all pale males.


Huff & Puff's
Diverse editorial boards discus's it while
waiting for the

(Tootsie roll)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


A deranged lunatic told me Huffington Post was where she got her news.  I subscribed.  Right away the politically correct shit hit the fan.  I was banned for a year for calling Mexicans wets.  I claimed freedom of expression.

The young female social justice warrior on a power trip was un-receptive. (The power of denial is a powerful narcotic not to mention a refuge for the weak and in-adequate)

Eventually I was permitted to post again.
Lucky me.

It didn't take me long to realize Huff & Puff was a
politically correct propaganda organ.

I toned down my rhetoric to pass the censor.
Usually my stuff had to go thru a monitor before it was posted, then suddenly it started being posted right away.
Strange I thought.

I had heard that they can make you think your stuff is posted but only to your site.  You are happily posting stuff that only you can read. I decided to test the waters.
I posted, pussy's not free and fuck dat nigga bitch.
Both were posted instantly

Shame, shame, shame.  What is censorship?
That certainly is un-American.

Invoking the principal of fair housing....if you put
your house on the market it has to be available
to everyone.

Huff & Puff should embrace that principle and open their forum to ALL IDEALS.

Everybody has a right to form an opinion and express it and be free of retribution.  That would be in the spirit of the constitution.  In the end there is no such thing as "hate speech"  All speech is protected speech.

In Hollande a member of parliament was convicted of
inciting violence by saying they didn't want anymore Moroccan's.

Arriana Huffington was taking a nap so they brought
in a new editor, a dykish looking black lesbian who doesn't smile a lot. I call her Tootsie Roll.

Lot of wet panties in the editorial room.


Just like that an article appears about a photographer
who only shoots black wimmen.  Imagine that.
While I don't know for certain I would bet it was a black female.  Her name was Nydia Blas.

Here is her explanation:

If you want to see yourself, stand in front of a mirror.
If white men shot only white men they would be accused of racism.  If a white man took a picture of a black woman, would they literally be able to see themselves.  Yes or no.

Simple explanation.  Why does she choose to shoot


Wimmen of color.  Because she is a

Sexist and a racist



Monday, December 12, 2016



...fake news is excrement...!!!!


The Pope sez:  Fake news is caca,

What da' fuck is

What/which news is fake?  Why is it fake? 
Who would want to print fake news and why?
How can you tell if news is fake?  Who would you ask?

If fake news isn't bad enuff there is the news that is merely distorted or slanted to promote someone's point of view.
I call it propaganda


The chief propaganda organ for the
politically correct crowd is the

Huffington Post

who will be referred to here as
Huff & Puff.

Arianna Huffington is taking a nap so they came up with a new editor.
Probably a black lesbian who dresses like a man and doesn't smile a lot.

Ever notice how people with gender confusion mimic that which they hate.
Could it be said that Lesbians are closet
homophobes.  Talk about your irrational fears...!!!

When I first saw her I immediately thought
she reminded me of a tootsie roll.
Straight and dark.

Bet there are a lot of wet panties on that
all female editorial board.  Betcha' the back biting becomes intense.

Fake news, distorted, slanted, flat
out propaganda

Huff & Puff

ran a propaganda piece to distort reality and solicit sympathy about a
Mexican dance troupe


that cancelled a performance in Palo
Alto, Calif...because...Trump was elected

Talk about imagined paranoid fear..!!

The parents were concerned for their

On another internet site there was a story
about how the Mexican government was
deploying military troops to the streets
to act as law enforcement to prevent crime.

Doesn't add up, does it.  Are the streets of Mexico now safe for the dancers?
Because the military is now deployed.
The general didn't think it was his job.

Exactly what did the parents of the children
in their politically correct paranoid fantasy
think would happen?

Maybe some Trump supporters hurt their sensitivities by some mean looks.

If America is such an un-safe place why are
millions upon millions risking life and limb to get here and claim political asylum.

(Free Food, medical jobs. etc.)

It's not safe you fools

Do you want to help EL DONALDO
make America great again.

Go home, grow some weed, make


Sunday, December 11, 2016



Her dog


Her mom


Her sister

Sunday, December 4, 2016




GOOD READS by the Capt






A couple of weeks ago there was an item on the internet
saying a hotline had been set up to complain about

...... is when a man talks to a woman and tells her something she already knows.  Thus belittling her.

How someone is suppose to know everything
someone else does, was not explained.

This is an example of taking something which is common,
being talked to as if your dumb and giving it a politically correct spin so it means something different, like what you want it to mean. 

I drove cab for years.  There are people who want to help you by giving you direction on the street you've been up and down a thousand times.

They'll tell you to turn left.  You pull into the left turn lane and turn on the signal.  Even tho it's been less than ten seconds since they last told you they'll tell you again ....case you forgot, and can't understand your attitude.

This hotline is staffed by feminist, shrinks, gender experts and off duty cops.

Hello, hello I was just spoken to by a man who thought I was dumb. You can tell what's coming

We'll get on it right away.  Maybe can get him fired.

Wish I had a hotline like that when I was driving.

Hello, hello, yea, some asshole just talked to me
like I was stupid.

Hello, hello,  operator I think I been disconnected

Ladies, a little advice.  Try an raise you
conscience awareness above your

Thursday, December 1, 2016


I was still living on my sailboat, The Sabrina Ann in Boozards Roost Marina on John's Island outside of Charleston, S.C.

Things were bad.  I had nothing and no way to get anything.  All I had was a bicycle.  I Didn't even have twenty five dollars to keep my phone on so I could stay in touch.

My daughter decided to get married and showed up with my future son-in-law, Phillip Michals

I took them to see this oak tree.  He gave me a hundred dollars underneath it.  Saved my life.

Thanks Phillip

Sunday, November 20, 2016

RECENT WORK 11/20/16



Gen mgr for Madison Marquette
is gone


to the wicked witch of the East

Nobody, but nobody has dumped
on me and ALF more



Somewhere on the internet there was a picture of a woman with a sign that sed;




Wednesday, November 16, 2016


....Lisa is one of my favorite servers @


It's not hard 2CY

SCENETERS 11/16/16

Tug boat Capt Lyndon and his
first mate Suze grace the

Tuesday, November 15, 2016





80% of businesses fail


was an event promoter.  A long time
anchor on the corner of Cookman and Emory.

I did the last hippy performance for them.  They were not receptive.  I heard that one of their employees embezzled some money.

They took their sign down today.


...the deli shop across from the post office closed up.
When they first opened I did some chalk on the side
walk.  Then I did a poster.  It was posted on line.  They had a spike in business.  I brought my son-in-law in and he spent some money.  I offered to send them the poster if they would send me and e-mail address.

Never came.  Then they started using someone else's
art in their advertising. I never darkened their door
again.  Serves 'em right.