...from commenting. What is the constitution, freedom of expression etc. ?
Recently a femenist writer, Naomi Wolf was arrested in NYC outside a Huffington Post sponsored event. She then wrote about it in Huffington Post.
I wrote two comments that had to be cleared by the commentator, who ever that is. Not only were the two comments not allowed, I was "banned" from makeing further comments. Not only did they not like what I said they don't want me to say anymore.
They are on to me now. If I should disappear or something, be suspicous.
What did I say that got me banned? Well for a start I said this country could be brought to it's knees in the morning if everyone plead "not guilty" to everything including parking tickets.
When they ask, how do you plead? Reply with Allah Akabar or Al Bouazizi
Muhammed Al Bouazizi was the martyr (the spark) that set the world aflame.
They have no choice but to enter a not guilty plea.
A woman in Chicago complained about spending a night in jail. People are being killed everywhere. Do not be afraid of jail. Do not be afraid to die. Consider it an honor and a noble sacrifce.
If you do go to jail, relax. For some people it is a step up. Socialize, meditate, plot. When your time is up and they tell you, you can go, refuse.
What can they do Re-arrest you and allow/make you stay. Find out if you'll be in long enuff to get some dental work done. Winter is coming. It's gonna' get cold.
Can you imagine being drug out of jail and thrown on the streets while others are being put in. Let's see that on the evening news or al Jazeera.
is the time to
Everybody plead "NOT GUILTY' to everything
A judge once accused me of being in contempt of court. I told him not to take it personaly I'm in contempte of the impieralist judicary where everybody is guilty of something and all of the kangeroo courts.
Liberty and justice for all. Bullshit, Fascism for all, jail time for some...more for others.