The March 8, 2012
...issue of Tri City News had a story on it's cover'
"A bit of DETROPIA in Asbury Park"
Seems a couple of theater owners went to the Sundance film festival and saw
...about the decay of Detroit ( I use to live there)
and how artist are rehabilitating it, one building at a time.
The article begins by recalling the original issue of TCN thirteen years ago, asking why there were no artist live-in/workspaces.
Thirteen years later there are still none. What makes anyone think that will change?
Along comes a couple of dreamers (can't say that I'm not one) who after seeing the film thought it would be good for Azzberri Pawk.
The idea is to locate a building such as an old warehouse in the hood, convince a landlord to rehabilitate his run down property so he can rent it cheap to artist.
But I like to get some of what ever it is their smokin'.
While there has been talk (and not much else) of turning sections of the city into
'art zones' and then building work/live space, our committee believes it is time to start identifying various potentials of 'HOUSING STOCK'. (Housing stock? Was dat? Ain't nuffin been identified in thirteen years. Where's it been hiding?
What makes you think it's gonna' change now?)
....speaking with owners, researching creative methods of fianancing (prostitution/drugs)
and beginning the rehab process.
That'll take a lot of time and effort. Talk is cheap.
These are the steps to be taken;
Locate potential housing stock in the city - large multi-family houses, old factories or warehouse, etc. These buildings would be suitable for multiple artist under one roof. (Sure fire recipe for disaster)
An owner or developer of such housing would be willing to bring the building up to code. (dream on)
Artist would be selected (Here comes the politics, by whom and why?) to live in these locations but first would put in sweat equity to develope the interior of the building once it had been brought up to code. (Sure)
The developer/owner would be willing to rent the spaces at a rate that would permit artist to live and work there. (The recession becomes depression when Israel bombs Iran and WWIII starts)
as I previously stated; AIN'T NEVER GONNA' HAPPEN
I'm sixty eight. I've been doing art for forty four plus years. I have a six page resume' and portfolio to back it up. I've traveled from Venice Beach in L.A. to Amsterdamn, Holland and all the stops in between.
Not since I left Hollywood, Calif. have I come across so many game players and pretenders as here. ARTSCRAP has gone down hill under Dennis Carrol's leadership. They no longer put out a calender of events and closed their space on Cookman, but they were never there anyway.
Rumor has it they are a front group for the "Gay Mafia" and it's suffocating influence. I'd agree.
They have treated me with contempt and disrespect.(there is a letter in existence) Their big art festival was a major flop. The only thing they did was pass a stupied mural ordinance. Never give the power of creative denial to a bureaucrat. How stupied can you get?
Then there's that ridiculous form you got to fill out. It's a wonder they don't call in homeland security for a background check. Then it's gotta be approved by a non existent committee that doesn't meet...effectively BLOCKING murals in AP. I did a couple of them and never asked anyone permission. But that's the way it's always been done.
CIRCLE JERK a term used to describe a bunch of gay men in a bath house jerking each other off. I use it here as a metaphor. ARTSCRAP is a cultural circle jerk. A bunch of pretenders telling each other what they want to hear.
They actually DO NOTHING other than talk, maybe hold a fund raiser and talk some more. That's what this article is all about, more talk.
of Azzberri Pawk
....started out as a splinter group of ARTSCRAP. I could tell right away that it would go nowhere. I was right on.
The article talks about, ART ZONES. Silly there's one already here. It's called the
It runs from the end of the casino to the Ocean Grove line. That was ALF's doing along with getting an ordinance passed which allows a performer for a twenty dollar permit to perform anywhere in the city and put down a hat for tips.
Are you reading this. Without a single meeting or coverage from TCN that champion of creative and alternative (It was in the Coaster) an ordinance was passed that opened up the city so performers could make money to live. How about that?
It's put up or shut up time ARTSCRAP. Match that. (LOL)
Then there's that ship of fools
I was with the L.A. Free Press, one of the original alternative (anti-war, underground) press in the 70's, along with such luminaries as Ron Cobb and
Charles Bukowski. I know an alternative press when I see one. TCN constantly bleats the mantra...creative...alternative.
Like comprehensive is a code word for amenesty, alternative is a code word for gay. But they can't say that, people would go else where.
As for creative, they wouldn't recognize that if Vincent Van Gogh sodomized them.
What they need to do is elevate their cultural awareness a few chakras above their crotches and the cock suckin' editor needs to stop viewing the world thru his penis.
Don't like what you read here? Check out my full profile. My hobbies are asking wimmen to model for me, sueing people and black mail
...psycological, emotional and cultural black mail. There are some letters in existence. Nothing I'd like to do more than make them public. Got a problem with that, talk to me.
In spite of their bad track record, fools still follow them over a cliff into a cesspool where pig headed cultural pygmies pretend it's a hot tub and
wallow in it.
for ALF