The city fathers can not admit that they have shot themselves in the foot with their on going war
against culture in AP.
They are so into denial that they can't even admit that they are waging a war against culture.
The facts paint a different picture....!!!
A. Madison Marquette after two years has run the artist out of the casino. What have they got against culture? What are they afraid of. Someone will see some art? Someone might sell something.....
Gawd forbid some kid might be corrupted by culture
Why don't they sponsor art shows in the casino?
The artist who were run out into the FCZ were told they could not lean their art aginst the power plant walls and the city clerk said they needed a fifty dollar a week permit to sell there.
What part of FREE don't they understand?
B. They shut down the Tues. night drum circle after thirteen years over a purely fabricated excuse that traffic was being block.
Visit: You-tube>Arts Liberation Front>
Congo Square N. 7/10/12
This video was shot ten mins. before the closing down. Anyone can clearly see people freely passing.
Did the police make any effort to manage traffic?
Why not? They weren't having fun no one was going too.
C. The closing down of free music at the Sand Witch.
One of the shining jewels of the board walk. The performers ordinance was used as an excuse. No permits. The Sand Witch was told by Madison Marquette that it was o.k. for them to utilize the space next to them in front of the minature golf course.
The owners said they will not be back after four years
citing massive rent increases, parking rate increases and cultural fascism. Congratulation AP for running another business out of town.
...never underestimate the power of a crowd of stupied people...!!!
For years the police ignored the no bathing suits on the board walk ordinance. Let them ignore the music.
Free entertainment brings crowds, crowds bring money. Don't run off the free entertaiment.
People that are putting time, effort and energy into enhancing the cultural ambiance of AP without
Exercising the power of denial is a tool
of the weak and in-adequate