When I Googled up chalk festival I got 23,700.000.000 hits
My first exposure to street art came in the first year of eight years of homelessness in Europe. Europe is two thousand years old the U.S. is two hundred.
When I returned to L.A. there was a feature in the
L.A. Times Sun. magzine about a street artist. I thought I could do that so I did.
Note the chalk drawing on the ground. I was an instant success and have been doing it ever since.
Upon settling in Assbury Pawk I continued my
wicked ways, doing chalk art in front of a local coffee shop. Even tho it benifitted us both the cheap bastard that ran the place wouldn't even give me a cup of coffee.
I had proposed this idea along with others to the local arts coalition (ARTSCRAP) but was blown off.
Their loss Asbury's gain
Anyhow it is obvious that chalk festivals are
They are held all over in places like Sarasota, Florida
and Pasadena, Calif. Google up "Chalk Festival"
and check it out for yourself...!!!!
So why not Asbury Pawk? I talked to our benifactor Johnny Mac and the city who agreed to the concept.
So now a date has been set. The second Sat. in Oct.
Which is Oct. 13, 2012.
Some of these festivals are big, with major prize awards that artist fly in from all over to compete for.
Our first effort will be more modest do to cost constraints.
First will be, "BRING YOUR OWN CHALKS"
Maybe in the future we will provide, but not the first time.
Registration is at Johnny Mac's which is across the street from the train station and city hall in Asbury Park. Asbury Park is a fifteen dollar, hour plus train ride from the city. Phill. Pa. is about four hours on NJ Transit bus 317 which boards at the Greyhound terminal. There will be a book. When you pay the fee you'll be issued a number.
Available squares will have a circle on them. Find the one you want then write your assigned number in the circle. If possible leave a space between you and the next guy so you don't walk on each others work.
The spaces are small but others "may be " available by the time of the show.
People can vote for thier favorites.
1st place 50% of gross
2nd place 25% of gross
3rd place 10% of gross
Awards ceremonies are held at Johnny Mac's at 8 P.M. Winners must be present to recieve thier award.
So....Le bon temps roulea...
Let the good times role. Help us make this a success. Tell your friend and neighbors. Anyone who is interested, budding artist, etc.
Help Azzberri Pawk deserve it's rightful place as Jerzi's cultural jewel. Support the arts, support culture.
Do hope to see you there. Camera candy will
be avilable.