....here we go again...!!!
Apparently the people at Tri-City News don't read
their own press. (Not surprised)
In the Mar 8, 2012 edition they carried a story
It was about some locals who had seen a film about artist revitalizing Detroit and they wanted to do the same here.
I posted a commentary on it.Check in the archives for:
Mar 15, 2012
They wanted to locate and rehabilitate a space
that artist would fix up with sweat equity.
Dream on. That is how non artist think. Art is a solitary effort not a social thing like music.
Three years later there has never been another word about it and I can guarantee you to date..
absolutely nothing has happened. Not one artist has spent one moment in a studio.
It makes for good copy. That's about it. Lord knows TCN needs something.
Almost three years to the day another article
appears (TCN Mar 5,15)
That should tell you a lot. It implies that TCN has something to do with it. (BS)
Seems a couple of more dreamers have the same idea. This time it's the space over on thirty three that was a short lived antique emporium, directly
across the street from a food bank.
Same thing...artist...cheap work space, etc.
Maybe a coffee shop for those that just want to hang
around artist.
Same reason. Artist need a cheap space to work
and bounce ideas off each other, like in high school.
Artist are egotistical as they should be. This leads to conflicts and the forming of cliques. That leads to politics and exclusion of non-conformist. Not a productive work environment.
Not only that the internet has changed everything. Brick and mortar galleries are a thing of the past as is painting on canvases.
There was a similar effort in Charleston, S.C.
while I was there which eventually failed.
(Will assist)
Background: I used to drive cab in L.A. at night.
I carried a gun till I discovered it didn't shoot. Then I started carrying a camera. I shot 32 rolls of 36 exposure over a period of time.
I carried them and stories thru years of homelessness. I was in Paris in 1999. I met someone who introduced me to someone else. I was to have a exhibition of theses photos in Dali's home town. I returned to the states. Four months later the show was canceled. I was given the prints as a consolation prize.
Along come computers and photo shop. I got some money and self published
A photo documentary of night time cab driving in L.A. in the 70's. I showed the photos once in Lancaster, Pa. then at ION Studio in Soho in NYC.
Then I tried to show them in Asbury Park. Parlor Gallery told me it would be two years. I declined. At the two year mark they had a show. There were some canvases with letters stuck on them.
I got the artist card. It was an severely autistic kid who pasted a letter on a canvas, pounded it and said...duh...!!! For the first time in my life I was sick to my stomach. I call this the art of mothering.
It's when people are shown not because the work is worthy but because they feel sorry for the sucker.
Ruben's world also rejected the photos.
Along comes Cafe Volan. Artist and coffee shops are a natural, so I started having coffee there.
I did all sort's of things for them besides spending my money there. I gave them a table book. Put a sign on the back of my bike that said ...follow me to Cafe' Volan.
I gave them an old camera and heavily promoted them here. Then I suggested showing the photo's.
They said yes.
I brought in a small book of the photo's and left it on the table. It disappeared. That was the first sign of trouble. When I asked where it was I was told behind the counter so the show would be fresh. Trouble was nobody could see the photo's behind the counter. Which was the point in the first place.
When I brought in the photos I had in NY they wouldn't even look up. I walked out. They were just playing games. (Not very respectful)
Inadequate people can not exercise the power of denial till they have something to deny.
(Thinking back about it I'll go by tomorrow and flip them the bone.)
A couple of wanna' be micro managers on a power trip. Probably had something to do with sucking up to Dan Jacobs of TCN.
After I told them to go fuck themselves they put up
Rune Egenses pictures of toast.
All the time, effort, perseverance and passion that was put in that work and they show pictures of
toast. They can go sodomize themselves and kiss my ass.
Rune shows up at Exhibit #9 as curator. What does he do there? Once I asked him if he had a job. He said this was it. He was brought from Norway to be a curator and makes enuff to live on. Needless to say that he brought artist from Norway when I have 50 plus years of experience and a six page resume' to back it up and can see his place out my window. Obviously not interested in locals.
I submitted the Taxi Times Photo's to Exhibit #9. He rejected them because they were pix elated. That's a bullshit excuse. Nobody ever said that before. Later one of the principals from Cafe Volan used the
same word and Elan Sullivan from across the street used the same word. Circle jerks. None of them have a lick of talent. Rune knows nothing. His work is as sterile and boring as a hospital waiting room.
I brought in another piece and they kept it for a long time till I called and asked about it. It was returned with out comment.
Here it is:
So now you know. I wouldn't rush over there if I was you and don't expect a lot if you do.
Dan Jacobs continuously gushes over how alternative and creative types are flooding into the area because of TCN.
Here's fact Dan, since I've been here eleven galleries have come and gone. It won't be long before
Exhibit #9, BT II and Palette will be gone.
The only reason Parlor is still here is because three girls work two jobs each to maintain the fantasy that
they're important.
Hardly sounds like a culture rush to me.
Here's your creative and alternative.
You say you welcome opposing points of view
...for everyone ...except Capt Flash.
What are you afraid of Dan?
Truth and reality?