What's a reach?
I was driving cab in Red Bank, N.J. One morning a woman gets in the cab and immediately complains of a cigarette oder.
Told her I don't smoke, maybe it was the night driver.
She expressed a concern. It was that possibly her friends at the gym would smell it on her cloths and she would be embarrassed.
This woman was "reaching" for an excuse. The odds that any smell/oder would get into her cloths was highly un-likely. Even less likely is, if she was concerned she would wear those cloths to her gym glass.
Even more un-likely is that her friends would detect the smell and ostracize her. It's what I call an imagined fear.
A form of social control.
Why mention that here?
The other day I was reading about the case for gender
neutral restrooms.
First let me explain this whole tranny business is suspect because it is a sudden trend that has just recently appeared on the social radar. Think of manipulation of sexuality and you'll get the picture.
I read somewhere that there are approx. 700,000 Trannies in the U.S. out of a population of six hundred million.
A mere fraction of the total population,
Yet the rest of us are expected to accommodate that minute fraction with gender neutral restrooms.
Boyz and Gurls has worked for year. Why change a good thing?
The argument posted for it goes like this. Some of the people with gender confusion issues may be so inhibited that they will not go to the restroom.
They may not pee all day and run the risk of a urinary tract infection.
Nobody goes all day without peeing. You have issues? Go behind a bush. Don't make your issue every body's issue. Do you need attention?
Even if some one did get an infection that's what anti-biotics are for. Simpler than having neutral restrooms...just in case.
The reality that some (How many?) might be inhibited
to the point of risking a urinary tract infection is so
infinitesimal that it is totally absurd to make everyone else a victim of their issue. Talk about narcissistic ego's
Examine this whole tranny trend. The argument is that they may suffer discrimination in housing and un-employment. Who doesn't? Why should they be different?
Talk to the blacks they'll tell you about discrimination and bias. What are we gonna' do. Make 'em white so they don't experience bias. Smoke some more of that. Life is not a bed of roses and it shouldn't be different because of gender confusion. A little adversity builds character. Why should they be the only ones who
don't have to suffer the ups and downs of living.
If your so damn concerned about them being discriminated against in the work place then raise a stink about the foreign invaders taking jobs from straight and trannies alike. So there will be some jobs to be rejected from