is the driving force/organizer behind
Capt Flash
Recently I had the honor of meeting Randy Thompson.
is a voice in the wilderness of ignorance. One of the very few people around who shares my views on the so
called....war on drugs.
.....the so called LAW creates and perpetuates
CRIME pays...the police very well.
I was a night time cab driver. (Randy is an Uber driver) I drove all over the deepest darkest hood by myself (little white boy) night after night, year after year.
I spent endless nights interacting with whores, pimps and drug dealers. I laff when some white liberals say...some of my best friends are black.
With me it's some of my worst enemies are black. Over the years I got to know some of them pretty well.
I slowly came to the realization that they are in some kind of trap.
.....all human being (including people of color) deserve
the right to an opportunity at dignity. We know not everyone will take it.....but!!! if they don't have it who is to blame for the consequences?
It's the school to prison pipeline. Bait a trap with some honey. When the fly does what fly's do the trap is sprung. They are in the system.
There are entirely to many laws. Many are passed by special interest (Police, for profit prisons).
The laws are vaugley written, like disorderly conduct and loosely interpreted. (Officer discretion is when he didn't get laid the night before your a criminal in the morning.)
Everyone is guilty of at least fourteen things in the imperial courts. But if you plead guilty to two the others will be dropped.
Then you'll get a fine, and be turned over to a for profit probation company who's only care is the bottom line.
If you miss a payment or are short they re-instate the other charges. People can spend an entire life in the system.
A recent story told of a repeat offender who got twenty years to life for stealing thirty one dollars of snickers.
I live on a little more than $7,000 a year. It cost $40,000 to house a prisoner for a year.
Do the math. Thirty one dollars. Twenty years at forty thousand is eight hundred thousand. Save the tax payer some money. Who got the money?
Some time ago I read that for a long time after the civil war blacks were routinely arrested on trumped up charges then rented out as laborers. The practice was called peonage and was outlawed.
What we have today is a variation on a theme. The whole drug war is fascism in disguise. The courts are nothing more than corrupt kangaroo courts where the deck is stacked against the offender.
But the worse thing about it is that once someone is busted they have a record for life which only compounds the difficulties in surviving let alone getting ahead.
They are forced into crime which only makes things worse when thy're busted again. What choice do they have?
Make it easier for them. Bring in a lot of cheap foreign labor to suppress wages.
.....and you wonder why they commit crimes.
They are the victims of a criminal system. The law
creates and perpetuates poverty.
Ferguson, Miss. is a classic case of how the law is used to
subjugate people. Asbury Park is not far behind.
The law here is a thinly disguised extortion racket.
Drop by the municipal court. More black faces than white.
Is Asbury Park trying to live off the West side?
Personally I think Randy has an uphill battle but as the Buddhist say,..a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Support Randy and his cause. I do