E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Friday, March 30, 2018


Here's some more politically correct perverted logic

Citing research they did...I'd like to know how that was conducted by two guys who want some attention.

Gentrification attracts households from higher socio-economic back grounds they state.

Raising property values and displacing low-income residents
and people of color.

There it is, the imposition of guilt.  Racist. 

All the rich people are moving to poor neighborhoods so they can buy cheap food is laffable and perverted logic at best.

Markets are exclusionary because locals may not (Maybe, maybe not) be able to afford the food that the rich people moved here to buy and may feel excluded from the new spaces they been going to for a long time.

Breaking my heart.  Life can be tuff at times.

There are two farmers market in the area where I live.  I have never seen the slightest hint of what these two guys who need an issue and attention state

Matter of fact the only place I've ever heard of it was in this article.

The social justice band wagon is mighty trendy.

The poor people of color from Haiti and other places are around the corner at the local food bank stocking up for free. No white people in line to make them feel bad an excluded.


This was a laffable as the fem nazi's  want to eliminate
the southern Bell culture because it contributes to objective-cation of women

....and white women who do yoga are racist because they claim it is a cultural miss-appropriation.

and the infrastructure is sexist, etc, etc.


When I lived on a boat for a long time, people would ask me, don't you get lonely?

I would tell them that what I use to call loneliness I now call solitude.








The pope sez....

there is NO hell..!!

No hell?  What the hell has been going on all these 
years?  Why did Jesus die on the cross?  Has it been one big shuck and jive?  What next, no heaven?

At the same time Hiedi Klum a hot white actress who was married to a black singer popped the.....

...once you go black you'll never go back, bubble

by openingly dating a white boy.  Gawd forbid.

Who do you thinks stands to benefit from that myth?

JOY VEY 3/30/2018


Miss Photogenic of
Azzberri Pawk

Always a pleasure to have her grace our blog

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Louis Farakan

The leader of the black Muslims in America
has a take on the current Hollywood situation

He also has be quoted as saying, "kill those that kill you".

Maybe not such a bad guy.



....shocks the #metoo movement when she 
reveals she has never been sexually harassed.

She attributes it to her large nose. There it is, the miracle cure for sexual harassment.

When I started doing Qwik Sketches in Paris, France 1981.
Left profile, b/w only for a donation it didn't take me long to figure out the one secret.  

Make the noses small, especially on women. Small noses, big tits gonna make me rich.

Seems a lot of people are sensitive about the size of their 


Friday, March 23, 2018


...lost her 2 million dollar engagement ring.
(Think ring bling)

while dancing at a night club in Miami.

Hands in the air, waving back and forth
suddenly it's gone.  She should have tied it on.
How can you be so careless as to loose a 2 million dollar ring.

Happy ending.  It was found in an ice bucket two tables over.

I teared up.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018



give us a break

Be your authentic self.

Don't be a deceitful deceiver.
Don't try to be something your not.
What kind of example is that for young women?

Accept your self as you are

Who would want to vote for an obvious fake?

You say you'll run if God tells you to.  I spoke to her just the other night and she said she had foreclosed on Israel

Be brave.  Be a pioneer.  Set an example of honesty for women by being the first to take a no makeup pledge.

And by the way, straighting  your hair is cultural misappropriation. That's a no-no


...& Whoopi Goldberg

take a "No makeup" pledge
just before converting to Islam

and adopting modest dress

Saturday, March 10, 2018


...here on the ALF site

Do you miss Doug already?  Guess what?
Good news.  I've done a lot of work with Doug.
Get your DB fix here.

On this site, My best shots of
DB over the years

Dec 3, 2017

DB @ the Annex


Original poetry by DB

There are two videos here also
DB doing

Pressed Rat & Wart Hog


DB does X-mass

On You-tube> Channel> Capt Flash


DB & Joe Harvard
America's Cup

DB does Luv #9

DB does Port of Amsterdam

Chew Douglas

DB @ America's Cup

One sour note.  I don't think he finished paying off his student loan.  I could always get a few bucks out of him if I needed them.  Thanx!

The 'ol pirate of the boardwalk is playing the tune you want in heaven now!

RIP o'l friend. 

You'll be missed

Thursday, March 8, 2018



Local poet laureate and n'er do well
bon vivant has passed over the rainbow bridge.

You will be missed.  RIP

Sunday, March 4, 2018


I've been an artist for 56 yrs.
I started doing street art, Qwik Sketches and portraits
in Paris in 1981 out of shear desperation.  I wanted to eat something.

Since then I've done ruffly 15,000 qwik sketches and portraits.

Eventually the question will asked,

"....does it look like me ?"

I answer it depends who you ask, when and how you ask them.
What you see now maybe different under different lights and circumstances.  Especially if your drunk.

I've seen people pay good money for pictures that look nothing like them.  Who knows why?

So that qualifies me to comment on whether
it looks like her or not?

I don't think so.  The face is too long.  The skin tone is too lite.  The eyes are out of alignment.  Her right one is slightly smaller than the left. Her mouth is out of alignment with the eyes. It is slightly higher on her left. The hand is too big in relationship to the head.

I've never seen Michele with hair that long.  She would be more recognizable with her more familiar style.

The truth of the matter is that it could fit many people.  There is nothing about it that is particular to Michele.

In all fairness to the artist, there is no mistake she has made that I haven't, many times.  That's how I know what to look for.  It is not meant to be a judgement but to give a qualified critique.


...evacuated of celebrity  (What ever that is?)

....provisionally dream like. I gotta' puke.

......nearly a shadow..!!

What is sublime bullshit?

Looks like old fashion racism and sexism to me.
...so fly and poised?  What's that some kind of code?
Do you think that woman appreciates being
compared to a fly?

This is his way of saying she didn't get a likeness.

"Likeness is a traditional, boring and now fairly useless
measure for success of a portrait." Never make it as a street artist.

Sez, who?  You'd say that even if it was an ugly piece of shit.  Would you tell Michelle, it sucks, you got robbed.

Political ass kisser.

....engages feeling and meaning

Oh yea, feel this.  What does it mean?