E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Friday, July 13, 2012


The Asbury Park City Council met on 7/11/12.

Members of the Congo Square N. Drum Circle
which was closed down the night before for the
first time in thirteen years voiced their concerns.

In search enter

"Arts Liberation Front"

There are two pertinent videos.  The one shot on 7/3/12 and then one shot just pryor to the closure.

In the 7/3 video the camera approaches a young couple hooping.  For a while the camera focuses on the guy then pans to the girl.  Notice behind her  there is virtually no foot traffic to be blocked on a Tues night.

The next video was shot on the night of the closure
7/10/12.  It was more crowded but near the end of the video which was shot maybe twenty minutes before the closure in the back ground can clearly be seen a man in a yellow shirt easily walking past.  Are we to believe
that in the next twenty minutes the crowd increased so dramatically that people were forced to walk on the grass? Proabably not.  The APPD has a long documented record of fabricating excuses.
Should they be allowed to fabricate any thing
they want?

This paranoid fixation on flow is un-warrented.
Something probably closer to the truth is someone
else was having fun and they wern't and if they couldn't no one could.

In the video is a little kid with a hoola hoop.  Is he performing?  Does he need a license?  Do hoopers need to stay fifty feet apart? Who interpeted it that way, where and when?

There is real confusion and conflicting information coming from city hall and the police. 

On the Arts Liberation Front card is ALF's mission statement, to have Asbury Park declared a


The war on culture by the police and clerks is counter productive.

One of ALF's objectives is to have Asbury Park...
the Liverpool of America...Jerzi's cultural jewel to become the Venice Beach of the East.

To that end we have been soliciting performers from Mallory Square in Key West, Philly and the city to come and perform in AP.  Performers attract crowds,
(Tues night..where's the thank you) Crowds spend money in shops.  This is good.  This is positive.
Matter of fact it proves performers are good for business "they attract crowds"  Instead of foolishly running them off pay them to play.


It is foolish to cut off your nose to spite your face.
The performers are trying to help the city with culture.  The city needs to call off the culture cops and stop trying to run off the free entertainment.


The police were "overzealous"  Station a couple of officers there and have them manage flow. Give them something to do. Let them earn their money.
Shutting it down was not necesary.

Guess someone wasn't having fun

I'm the person behind the ordinace.  As written it
is un-consitutional.  It out-laws


I tried to talk to them but they are un-responsive.

If you share a sense of outrage and injustice contact city hall, or local media and add your voice to call for

If you want culture to flower, nuture it don't crush it at the first budding.

Back off, relax, arrest terrorist not artist

Congo Square N. meets Tues. 7PM just S.
of the convention hall.  Show your support.
Drum and Hoop for freedom

Bring Friends

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