E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Friday, January 31, 2020


....is something you give to children and prisoners for good behavior...!!!

...and to illegal aliens for breaking the law to get here.

That way they can register to vote for Democrats.  Then buy up the old fossil fuel vehicles so the energy companies can sell them gas and oil, the insurance companies sell them insurance and the police give them tickets....

So they can get to the job they took from an American

I wonder what reward I can get for breaking the law?
Take care of your own first.

Think about this....they left a place where there was no racism to risk life and limb to get here.  Sometime endangering their own children or others ...

too demand entry into a white supremacist hell run by a racist with a side of gestapo.

They should be excluded on two grounds;

First if they haven't got the balls to defend their own home what makes you think they'll defend yours?

And if they think this is a better life they should be excluded for stupidity..



aka: HOAX
The only constant in the universe is change itself.
Why should the climate be different?  

Climates have been changing since they could.  If your reading this you survived.

It's not that the climate is changing theoretically it is changing too fast. According to who?
Why is it changing too fast?  Over population.  Too many people.  Simple solution, fewer people.

In 1968 there was a book called the Population Bomb.
I gave a speech at LACC calling for a legal limit of two children per couple.  The chickens will come home to roost on that one.

I had one child, she had two.

Those young people who are really interested in combating climate change should publicly commit to one or two children.  The really brave ones could voluntarily have themselves sterilized.  Gretta could set an example by leading the charge.

Thursday, January 30, 2020



The photos seem to suggest that not only is the ocean not rising it is retreating.  It's not safe to say that.  They burn heretics at the stake.

Does this look like the ocean is rising?

If someone asked you which way the wind is blowing would you go to your palm pilot and ask instead of just facing the wind?  What if what your PP told something you knew not to be true, would you believe it?

Here's a clue.  The sky is not falling.  The ocean is not rising.  Bruce Jenner is not a woman and the King does not have any clothes on.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


I live in a seniors home on the Jersey shore.  Gotta' be 62 to get in.  Younger people are permitted under certain medical conditions.

One of them is a woman I call butterball, 'cause she is as wide as she is tall.

A triple plus woman of color

I was sitting outback the other day when she came by on the way to the smoking pavilion.  Pretty soon someone came by and said she had fallen and couldn't get up.  They were going for help.

I sat there for a moment when an un-pure thought entered my mind which I promptly ushered out.

The incident inspired a poem....







Friday, January 24, 2020


......as in


Afraid I'll Succeed Syndrome

The only person (family included) who supported me as an artist was my ex friend/instructor/mentor 


...who passed last year at 92 leaving 500 canvases behind with instructions for his daughter to destroy his work when he was gone.

Not only has there not been support for me as an artist there has been intense and wide spread resistance.  People put special effort and energy into offending.  Like making sure you know about the artist party your not invited to.  It's a wonder I didn't commit suicide long ago.  Hopping into bed with your enemy has no effect if you don't know about it.  How about telling you your work will be shown but never say when.  The power of denial is intoxicating.  Can't fire you till they hire you.  Can't stand you up till they make an appointment or deny you sex unless you think you might get some.  Nuffin from nuffin is nuffin.

The joke is this...you weren't in unless you weren't out about something, so I decided to come out of the closet.  The resistance was so intense I went back inside and locked the door.  Didn't need too, it was nailed shut from the outside.

I sat down and smoked a bowl, and ask my self
...do I really want to go out?

The trouble is I'm talented, intelligent, organized and experienced.  In essence I'm a threat.  I make people look bad.  They can not consciously deal with jealousy
so it sublimates itself into the sub conscious where it manifest itself as a behavior pattern that generally is a block to progress. Typically dropping the ball while it's in their court.  The friend who adds insult to injury by making you wait three months for them to make twenty mins. for you before telling you they can't help because they're busy.  They can't stop you so they do the next best thing, slow you down.  

It's called the afraid I'll succeed syndrome.

Type "busy" into the search box for my thoughts on that.

After 55 yrs of doing art I find it almost impossible to sell art.  

Not only is it next to impossible to sell it is difficult to give away.  Really helps the self esteem.  If you come by I'll give you a canvas.  They never show.

Worse is people absolutely refuse to look at the art.  Handed a guy a book one time he handed it back.  Any manifestation of art is met with resistance.


Because if they did they would have to give me credit.  That would validate me and they would have to respect me and look up.  They would rather look down.  Simple, don't look at the art.

Excuses are a dime a dozen.  Anything but look at the art.

Saturday, January 18, 2020




….is not the art game...!!

...that is purely a political popularity contest

May the best ass kisser win...!!!

Here is the first AI produced piece of art in the world
that sold for an astounding amount.  I'm stunned...and threatened at the same time.  Imagine that much money for a print.

If I was them I'd print three then have a buy two get one free sale.  Things slow down, reduce the price.

I could take a print like that to the street and would starve before I sold it.

I read about someone in the Mid West who claims to be approaching $750,000. art sales over a five year period.  Wow, thats a lotta' money.  Wonder what the taxes are?  

Lot of expenses.  Can only sell outside half the year.  Probably constantly on the road eating hotel food.
This is not an artist this is a salesman. Proably will make enuff so the doctors and lawyers can divide what's left after the divorce.

But he is slacking.   An advertisment on Facebook says you  can make a sustainable $200,000. a year selling your art on line...and they'll tell you how for a non refundable deposit.

How much art do you have to sell to make that kind of income?  You'd be constantly busy.  Too busy to enjoy th two hundred thousand a year.  I can't imagine there being that much of a demand in an over saturated market.  If it was that easy every one would be doing it.

Oprah Winfrey wins the prize for spreading BS.  She had a young girl on who was a child prodigy who sold a Picasso knock off to a Russian oligarc for $400.000.

My Gawd what a princely sum.  You'd only need to sell one in a life time.  How'd this oligarc discover her?  If she could get that much for one can she do some for let's say $200,000.  Ya'  wonder how many she has sold and for how much?  Does she pay taxes?  

The giveaway was when they showed her studio in her parents garage.  Would you have a studio in your parents garage if you could get $400.000. for one painting.

Then there is a ...pint sized Picasso in NYC who is two years old and sells work for $400 to $23,000. at two years old. Gawd knows how much she'll get when she's 12.  Never have to work a day in her life.  Hope drugs don't get her.

What prompted this post is the German pre-Picasso.  A seven year old who sells in the hundreds. Sold one for $23,000. at seven, my, my, my…!!!!

I couldn't locate the story about the Korean girl who lays down and paints...and of course sells well. Save your art school money now.

Need I mention the chimp, pig and elephant all sell well.

I've sat a hundred yds from a place that claims to have sold $20,000. in a season while I couldn't give it away.

Sam Clayberger had a show prior to his passing.  He sold one piece.  He died with 500 canvases and thousands of lesser pieces because he could sell $200,000. a year.  He told me before he died that he had instructed his daughter to destroy his work when he was gone.

Pretty sobering

Here's the skinny from the streets.  Creating an image by paint on canvas has been made obsolete by technological advances. It's only a matter of time till they can do anything in the computer they can by painting.  When that happens like music and newspapers they'll be gone with the wind

While painting is not gone it's fading fast and by extension the galleries that sell art.

They are just somebody's ego trip where they can get off, drunk on the power of denial

Why would you get dressed, drive cross town pay for parking, go into a gallery, drink some wine talk to some people look at thirty pieces then go home, get un dressed, fire up a bowl and look at thousand upon thousands of stunning images for free...till your eyes fall out of your head.

We now live in a blizzard of images.  Trying to sell one is like trying to sell a snowflake in a snowstorm

I had a bad dream.  I was depressed because I was only a grain of sand on a beach.  Then I saw a dump truck dump more sand on the beach.

I would vomit if I could

Update 5/10/2020

Saturday, January 4, 2020


…….is a recent movie about

...selling pussy aka: prostitution

First let me begin by saying as a nite time cab driver I have taken money that didn't belong to me.

I have stolen so I'm not sitting in judgement.

My problem with this is a review that trys to portray them as saints because they do it ...for their children.

Boo-hoo what a noble cause.

In the age of #me too the reviewer is squirming to justify
a woman selling pussy because that wouldn't fly well with the victem of men narrative.  If this is a patriarchal society run by men for the benefit of men then why isn't pussy free?

They gloss over the fact that they are ....stealing.
 by claiming the men have too much money for their own good...so it's O.K. to take it. Can't tell you how many times I've heard that rationalization over years to justify stealing.

Imagine if a cab driver did that.  Would he be forgiven because...you had too much money.  More than is good for you 


I was a nite time cab driver in L.A. during the 80's.

Before I went to Europe in 1981 there were 30 to 50 hookers working Hollywood.  When I came back a year later there were 3 to 5 hundred.  All we did all night long was run pimps, whores, John's and drug dealers this way and that way.

First let me state that whoring is a miserable, dangerous job.  A lot of whores were from small towns.   A rule of the streets is you don't whore in your own town.

Of course I got to know a bunch of them.  They could make a thousand a night and want a free ride.  They are use to exploiting men's reproductive imperative.

There was a saying on the streets at night that sed....if a whore makes three thousand, that's how much she spends, 
mostly for nose candy for her and her pimp.
How noble is that?

There were so many whores working the streets the fatter uglier ones would have to steal to survive.  They robbed me more than once.

I got one in the cab one time and accused her girlfriend of robbing me.  She panicked and grabbed the wheel of the cab and spun it out of control on the Hollywood Freeway.  She jumped out and disappeared into the darkness.

I hooked up with 3 of them.  Cynthia, Jewl & Slim.  Slim was a mean, nasty alcoholic who would sip whiskey all night long.  She threw a bottle at me once.

Jewel was short and ugly with a nose that spread across her face, ear to ear.  Ugly as sin.  Didn't matter, pussy is pussy.

One time she took a piss in front of me with one leg in the cab and one leg out.

Cynthia was the best of the bunch.  I guess she didn't get enuff cause one morning she was in the cab and wanted to go to my place in down town L.A.  

She must have been really hot cause she took my hand and shoved it into her pussy.  We're stopped at a lite in morning rush hour traffic when she busted a nut with people all around us staring.  As soon as she was done she wanted to go home.  Nothing for me.  Selfish cunt.

Last but not least is Molly from Chicago.  I picked her up one nite on Sunset Blvd.  She was crying.  I asked what's wrong?  She sed she was told if she didn't bring some money home she would get a beating.  How long you been out on the street? Three days she sed,  I asked what will you do for ten dollars?

Eventually I got her on a plane to Chicago.  She never sed....thank you. 

Note:  Over the years I've paid women for sex.  No woman ever paid me a penny.  

Now they're talking gender equality.

I'm thinking reparations