E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Saturday, January 4, 2020


…….is a recent movie about

...selling pussy aka: prostitution

First let me begin by saying as a nite time cab driver I have taken money that didn't belong to me.

I have stolen so I'm not sitting in judgement.

My problem with this is a review that trys to portray them as saints because they do it ...for their children.

Boo-hoo what a noble cause.

In the age of #me too the reviewer is squirming to justify
a woman selling pussy because that wouldn't fly well with the victem of men narrative.  If this is a patriarchal society run by men for the benefit of men then why isn't pussy free?

They gloss over the fact that they are ....stealing.
 by claiming the men have too much money for their own good...so it's O.K. to take it. Can't tell you how many times I've heard that rationalization over years to justify stealing.

Imagine if a cab driver did that.  Would he be forgiven because...you had too much money.  More than is good for you 


I was a nite time cab driver in L.A. during the 80's.

Before I went to Europe in 1981 there were 30 to 50 hookers working Hollywood.  When I came back a year later there were 3 to 5 hundred.  All we did all night long was run pimps, whores, John's and drug dealers this way and that way.

First let me state that whoring is a miserable, dangerous job.  A lot of whores were from small towns.   A rule of the streets is you don't whore in your own town.

Of course I got to know a bunch of them.  They could make a thousand a night and want a free ride.  They are use to exploiting men's reproductive imperative.

There was a saying on the streets at night that sed....if a whore makes three thousand, that's how much she spends, 
mostly for nose candy for her and her pimp.
How noble is that?

There were so many whores working the streets the fatter uglier ones would have to steal to survive.  They robbed me more than once.

I got one in the cab one time and accused her girlfriend of robbing me.  She panicked and grabbed the wheel of the cab and spun it out of control on the Hollywood Freeway.  She jumped out and disappeared into the darkness.

I hooked up with 3 of them.  Cynthia, Jewl & Slim.  Slim was a mean, nasty alcoholic who would sip whiskey all night long.  She threw a bottle at me once.

Jewel was short and ugly with a nose that spread across her face, ear to ear.  Ugly as sin.  Didn't matter, pussy is pussy.

One time she took a piss in front of me with one leg in the cab and one leg out.

Cynthia was the best of the bunch.  I guess she didn't get enuff cause one morning she was in the cab and wanted to go to my place in down town L.A.  

She must have been really hot cause she took my hand and shoved it into her pussy.  We're stopped at a lite in morning rush hour traffic when she busted a nut with people all around us staring.  As soon as she was done she wanted to go home.  Nothing for me.  Selfish cunt.

Last but not least is Molly from Chicago.  I picked her up one nite on Sunset Blvd.  She was crying.  I asked what's wrong?  She sed she was told if she didn't bring some money home she would get a beating.  How long you been out on the street? Three days she sed,  I asked what will you do for ten dollars?

Eventually I got her on a plane to Chicago.  She never sed....thank you. 

Note:  Over the years I've paid women for sex.  No woman ever paid me a penny.  

Now they're talking gender equality.

I'm thinking reparations

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