E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Thursday, January 31, 2019


Sometime ago I pontificated about a modern social game called;


The choicest role is that of victim, then you get to
milk the guilt.  To play victim you must have a persecutor.
If you don't have one you need to create one or embellish the one you do have.

I want to thank Jussie Smollet for his timely confirmation.

What happened?  Jussie Smollet is a homosexual black (Actually hi yeller) who plays on a program called Empire.  I don't have a T.V. and never heard of or seen the show

It began with some fan mail

If you were planning something and wanted to miss lead and make it look like a threat you could set the stage for your planned event.  You could make it look like a racist homophobic attack.  Drawing suspicion away from....??

I'm an artist so I looked at the art work.  Very crudely done.  Almost child like, The level of a four year old. I can make out the gun and a figure but can't make out what is to the left of the figure. Jussie should produce samples of his art or be given a drawing evaluation.  Bet they match.

Anyway moving on, he was in NY but his flight was delayed for five hours.  How he got from the airport to a Subway at 2 AM remains to be seen.  Upon leaving the Subway about 2:15 AM two men approached him used racial and homophobic slurs, then proceeded to beat him, pour bleach on him and put a noose around his neck.  OMG

They also hollered this is MAGA country.  Which was heard by his mgr who he was talking to on the phone at the time.  The mgr claims to also have heard the homophobic racial slurs and the scuffling.  Was the phone dropped as he "fought back".

Big question, why didn't the mgr immediately call the police?

Someone commented, questioned how many homophobic rednecks watch a program like Empire.  Was he targeted or was it just a couple of angry Trump supporters wearing ski masks wandering around downtown Chicago on a cold night  at 2 AM looking for a random black fag to pour bleach onto and hang a noose around his neck. 

Did any of the bleach get into his eyes?  Lets see a picture of his clothes.  Surely there would be evidence of bleached areas.

And the noose around his neck?  How long was the rope?    Was it long enough to hang him or was more like a neck tie.
Was it just a symbolic gesture, not really committed.

It is claimed it was a severe beating.  Of course just a little malicious shoving wouldn't get much attention.

Here are a few interesting points.  If he was targeted did his attackers know he was in NY and what time his plane would land and that he would be at the Subway?

If they knew when his plane was due did they know it was delayed ?  What happened when he didn't show on time?  Did they wait around in the cold for five hours hoping to catch him? Talk about sincere commitment. I would have went home, got warm and tried again another day.

Then there is this is MAGA country.  Really, downtown Chicago is not a racist paradise.  There are conflicting points about what was sed here.  The police say that he did not say that in his first interview.  He claims it was sed as they fled.  His mgr claims to have heard it when he was first attacked but did not think to call the police then.  How do we blame Trump?

One witness claims to have seen two suspicious rednecks hanging around.  One had on a blue sweatshirt, short pants and heavy grey, wool socks, with a rope hanging out.  No mention of a bottle of bleach.  What do suspicious rednecks look like hanging around the streets at 2 AM in the cold?
How close was the witness to observe that much detail.  Ask  for a description of them.

How long did the attack last?  Was he able to fight them off or did they leave of their own accord?  He then proceeded to his friends apt and finally called the police almost forty five mins later.  Again why didn't the friend call the police when he heard the attack begin?

He still had the rope hanging round his neck and some chicken shoved up is butt...oop's...I digress.  A dramatic prop designed to confirm his story.  Kweers are called drama queens for a reason.  After awhile this begins to read like a soap opera script someone wrote to confirm and verify non existent racism (What ever that is?)

Here he is after fighting off two guys who have been waiting around in the cold for hours to pour bleach on him, put a rope around his neck and identify themselves as Trump supporters.

He has had bleach poured on him but doesn't look like any got into his eyes (Again, check the cloths for bleach stains)
No black eyes,  No busted lip or broken nose.  No swelling after a severe battle with two guys.  He could have broken the rib else where and seized upon the opportunity to blame Trump.

Note:  I have since heard it was not bleach and he only bruised his rib.  All there is his word and an artificial scratch.  Flat out propaganda hoax.

Here's some CCTV image of two "persons of interest."
Looks like a couple of suspicious red necks who according to one witness had on a blue sweat shirt, short pants and grey wool socks.  No sign of ski masks which begs the question, how could he tell they were white.  No bottle of bleach and/or rope in sight.....hmmm...!!!

Other red flags are:  he ask the police to turn off their body cams and refused to turn over his cell phone.  Wonder why.  Cell  phone records need to be checked to see if in fact he was talking to his mgr when the attack occurred.

In an area saturated with CCTV there are no images of two guys with ski masks, rope and bleach waiting for Jussie to show up.  Did Jussie know where there were no camera's?  How convenient.  No witnesses either.  No videos anywhere of the alleged perpetrators coming or going.  Of course it's 2 AM on a cold winter night, Just Jussie and his alleged attackers.  How convenient

Another dead give away that somethings not right here is the rabid leftist site, Alternet downplayed this by burying it and the fem nazi propaganda organ Huff & Puff didn't even mention it.  Why not?  Does something stink here?

To play the victim in the magnificent martyr game you have to have a persecutor.  If you haven't got one, create one.

Black people have a vested interest in maintaining the illusion of racism.






The shit thickens.  He claims he was punched in the face but there is no swelling or bruising.  He fought off two attackers who managed to put a rope around his neck that he left on for dramatic evidence.  Did he drop the sandwich while being attacked and picked it up and walk to his mgr's apt. ?

No witness, no CCTV of anything or anybody, just his word and a scratch on his face,  His cell phone and the mgr's should be seized as evidence and  when the cell phone records reveal no call he and his mgr should be arrested and prosecuted and a big, BIG apology is due, and the left can kiss mine

Update 2/12/19

It sez he was off camera for 60 secs.  When he returned he had a rope around his neck.  Hardly enuff time for a serious attack to occur.  Camera's either side of the gap would have caught anyone else.

Jussie's going down and the left will eat crow.

Anyone want to bet?


Wednesday, January 30, 2019


There are various interpretations of this.  Some versions 
honor and/or respect the God within you.

Anyway I was on Facebook.  On one side were groups you might be interested in.  One was Namaste' which I was familiar with and thought they might be a little more flexible than others, so I joined.

I took note of the general tone.  It was a bunch of people with stupid things to say.  Eventually I got a little bolder and decided to test the temperature of the political waters and posted this.

The shit hit the fan.  Every fem-nazi who could write attacked.  Must have touched a nerve.  

I responded with out name calling.  Can't say the same for them. Eventually someone was particularly nasty and finished with "end of discussion".  I thought how arrogant and aggressive.  There are two people in this discussion.  Who are you to decide?  I told her that and ended it

The next day I was informed that I "had to respect women" or I would be removed from the group.

Again the word "respect" is an ambiguous term, open to interpretation according to your point of view.

You know there are good and bad in all groups.  Which means, yes there are some bad women.  Must I respect them also merely because they are women?  If that isn't sexist, what is? My style is to take people as individuals even tho sometimes you need to generalize.

If I must respect women because they are women should women respect men because they are men?
There would be howling and weeping and knashing of teeth.

And.....if you honor me as a God is it appropriate for you to tell me what to think, say and do?

I came to the realization that I had uncovered a politically correct fem nazi sleeper cell.  A fake site.

They didn't have to remove me.  I voluntarily moved on of my own accord.....bimbo..!!


Years ago I made a passage by sailboat from L.A to
N.Y.  I wintered in St Augustine, Florida where I got a job in a place that produced hi school year books.  There I met a guy who had lived in NYC for 32 years.  He made this statement to me;

"....the city makes women neurotic."

Never gave it much thought and moved on.

Years later I'm living on the Jerzi shore.  Computers and social media (Facebook) are here.  Some woman asked to be...friended, so I did.  Occasionally there would be posts from her.  Her and her son, maybe out with friends somewhere, etc.

Then one day there was a photo of her.  The photo was a strong picture and rang a bell with the artist in me so I down loaded it and ran it thru photo shop and re-posted it.

She wrote me and sed at first she thought it was a photograph but looked closer and asked if I had painted it.  Told her, no it was Photoshop.  She didn't know what that was then asked...what I was going to "use" it for.

I thought, what an odd question.  Use it?  What would I use it for?  The only thing I would do with it was to re-post it as art on Facebook.  That's how she saw it.  I told her that I would just re-post it on Facebook.  I had another shot of her in profile.  I told her that I would see what I could do with it.  She  replied she had no use for it.  There was that word again.  What would you use a picture for?  Show to your friends, put it in a file and forget it.  That's saying no without knowing what your saying no to.  Not a good sign.  I ran the other one thru photo shop.  In this one I removed the bump in her nose and posted it on Facebook.

Never heard from her again and was un-friended.

Which brings us to....the rape fantasy.

Women will jump up and say, she doesn't know who is a rapist so until she knows otherwise, for safety reasons, she behaves as if "all" men are rapist. 

If you take the same position with blacks you'll be called a racist, whatever that means. How many times have we heard don't judge a group by the actions of a few. 

Here's the skinny.  I'm a 75 y/o man who has had a stroke.  It's all I can do to get to the door so there is little to no chance I could rape her.  Therefore the only place that exists is in her head.  It's called the rape fantasy.  It is very common among women.  The less attractive they are the 
more prevalent it is.



...was a very popular "tranny" (m/f) when it was younger.
That was until the incident  with a very underage tranny.

There were charges of, kidnapping, rape, forcible sodomy,
 un-lawful restraint and asphyxiation.

While in prison it got the first tattoo.  By the time it got out was covered from head to toe with them.

After prison it was no longer in demand, money dried up and was un-able to pay for hormone shots.  "His" beard returned but because he was so over weight his tits did not shrink.

He became an alcoholic, nicotine addict and got hooked on opiods.

Last report had him involved in sex work in Long Beach, Calif.  Which he secretly admits to always wanting to do.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Capt Flash and 1st mate

....jus' chillin'....!!!


10 x 10 = 100 my fren, on the
road less traveled

A better fair weather feather

Horny 4 U

 Unnh-oooh..did a boo-boo on dis one.  Can U C it?

A very dark angel

Friday, January 11, 2019


.....ignorance knows no gender...!!!!

Women can be a stupid as men.  Some abuse that.

I posted this on Facebook

The shit hit the fan.  Presumably a fem-nazi
did not approve.

She asked;  is this how men see women?

No bimbo.  This is one of thousands I've done.  One out of thirty pieces might involve female nudity.  Artist, both male and female have been doing male and females nudes since forever.

To seize on one piece and ask is this how MEN see women is
un-enlightened.  This is one drawing out of many.  It's not how I, let alone MEN view women.  No.  It's how this piece came out.  I do not have final control how a piece turns out.  They do them selves.

To assume that this one piece is how MEN see WOMEN
is politically correct BS.  Probably by some man hatin' dyke
who needs something to bitch about because her existence is so shallow and boring.


 I live in a seniors home 
on the Jerzi shore

There is one apt between me and the 
elevator.  The other day, when I walked by there was a hand scrawled note on the
door that sed;

....this apt is cluttered and will stay that way till I'm evicted or die...!!!

Three days later he was dead.

Moral:  Don't mess with management