E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Friday, November 29, 2019


...don't cross 'em till you come to them....!!!

Once there was a little king who wanted to attack
another King who lived in a country the other side of a mile wide river.

He assembled an army and marched off.  Half way to the river he sent out scouts who reported back that the bridge was down.

He had a meeting with his generals that lasted well into the night. (Fueled with food drink and a few merry maids) It was finally decided to build some boats.

This was not an easy task.  It would take a lot of people to cut down trees, drag them out of the forest, split into planks and assemble them into boats.  Keeping a large work force housed and fed was a logistical nightmare.

They were delayed three months.  When they reached the river the bridge was down, but the mile wide river was now down to a hundred yards.

The water was too shallow for the boats so they decided to wait for the river to freeze over in the winter.

Trouble was the horses couldn't walk on ice.  The wagons slid around.  The winter turned ferocious and they
hunkered down to wait it out. 

When the weather warmed they tried again but they had waited too long.  The ice was thin and they broke thru.

A third of the force was on one side of the river having got across.  A third was on the other side and rest on the plain above the river channel.

Of course they had a meeting to decide how to proceed. While they were talking a flash flood occurred up stream. 
A massive wall of water came roaring down the river bed
and like the little spider washed out of the drain spout
everything soldiers, horses and wagons were washed out to sea

The remaining army returned to their own country.  The next year the kings son assembled an army, proceeded to the bridge which they repaired, crossed and conquered
the king.

The new king fell for the old kings daughter.  They married.  Peace was made and all lived happily ever after, till the new king was caught with an underage girl.

....but that's another story...!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


I had a window box fan that I paid twenty dollars for maybe four years ago.

Old faithful

I would run that fan for as long as 24 hours at a  time.  I thought surely it must wear out soon.  But like the energizer bunny it just kept going and going.  I cleaned and oiled it once.  It was so old it was beginning to show signs of wear and tear.

I thought I should start thinking about a replacement
Maybe a month later I was looking in the dumpster.  Laying on top was a brand new, shiny, white window box fan.  Exactly what I had been thinking about.

I thought maybe it was thrown away because it didn't work. I plugged it in and it work fine.

What to do with old faithful who had served so long and so well.  At first I thought give it away but in the end decided to keep it as a back up.  The room is large.  I used it to blow smoke out of the kitchen.

I was proud of my new fan. I would smoke a bowl and  marvel at how well designed it was.  It had aerodynamic screens and a five blade fan.

I had it for about two months when one day I was laying in front of it....when..... it suddenly stopped.  There was the smell of an electrical short.

I'm  sitting in front of old faithful now.  

A car that runs but doesn't look good is better than a car
that looks good  but doesn't run

Form and function

A car that looks good and runs is better


…...it's easy to fool yourself

I was having coffee on the boardwalk when I noticed someone walking towards me.  At first glance I thought it was a woman because they had a top on.  Then I took a closer look and noticed they/he had a man's build.  As he walked pass me I checked for an Adam's apple.  It was there.

The easiest person in the world to fool is yourself....when you want to. 

The purpose of a top is to cover up and support breasts.  Ain't got no tits, don't need a top.  He could take his top off and nobody would notice.  But that would spoil the charade.

He also wears his hair long.  Long hair/top adds up to woman. What message is he trying to send, to who and why?

In trying to fool people into thinking he's a woman, the only person he may be fooling is himself.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


...haired old ladies

I belong to a on-line old hippy group run by a woman named Hope.

There was a post that talked about grey haired ladies 
taking over.  I PM'd her...it went like this....

...I hope that wasn't you who posted  the piece with ominous over tones.... grey haired ladies threatening to

TAKE OVER...what ever that means..

As an older white guy I'm concerned for my safety.  Is this site safe or should I expect harassment from trolls?

The situation made me soooo...!!! un-comfortable I had a disturbing dream.

I was asleep in a jail cell when a herd of grey haired ladies ghosted down the hall way, like ominous cloud and penetrated my cell and woke me up to tell me they here to TAKE OVER.

Take over, take over what?  This is a Gawd damn jail cell.  There is nothing to...take over.

You bitches need to go back to bed, I'm trying to get some sleep.  We can talk about it in the morning.

Liten up on the sugar before bed time.

Friday, November 15, 2019



…...and/or what's real....!!!!??

(Up is down, left is right, black is white)

My dealer sold me some fake weed.
I wasn't surprised

Everything is fake.  Nothing is real

Ever meet any fake people?
Lot'sa pretenders out there.

Fake stuff is every where.
Now we got fake foods
fake media

Who knows what the real news is?

Make up is really fake up

and now

Fake Sexes

Is it a boy or a gurl?

Then there's

Deep fake, deeper fake and deepest fake

For years I felt pornography was ….!!!!….deep fake
I couldn't imagine so many people doing such an
intimate act with a camera up their butts.

Surely it must be fake.

Now were down to the existential problem of separating
authentic fakes from fake, fakes


Knock on the door, drones outside my window.
They've come for me.

Told them it wasn't me.
I was a fake.