E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Friday, October 15, 2010



I have heard a lot of negative talk about the people that run this town.
I tried to be charitable and not rush to judgement, then they chopped down the trees.

It's sorta' like suicide by character assasination. 

This town has so little character Ocean Grove makes it look like a wasteland.

Cultural wasteland for sure

Now I heard from someone in L.A.  Guess what, Asbury Park is the talk of the town
because they turned down the opportunity
to be the prime location for an on going mini-series The Boardwalk Empire

by Martin Scorse

I believe in not rushing to judgement


...now that the evidence is in

I also heard that Madison Marquette is
opposed to the NJMoCA going up in
Ass bury Park

I'm not suprised.  Cultural Fascism
seems to be the norm here.

Add to it the queer McCarthyism of
...and that ship of dilussional fools
The Tri-City News

..it's a wonder there not throwing
"real artist"
into the bonfires on the beach


...go home and wipe your own ass

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