E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Recently I read, I believe his name is Steven Hawkins, the physicist in a wheel chair..!!? said, ...it's time to leave the planet
One night I was watching T.V.  Nightline with Ted Koppel.  Anyone with half a head can figure out that Nightline is a government propaganda channel.
Ted was very excited.  That got my interest.  It wasn't often you saw Ted this way. This should be good so I fired up some herbal supplements to enhance the experience.
Seems Ted had a guy on the show that said, "aliens" from outer space are already here.  I took a hit.  The reason we couldn't see them is because they were so small.  I exhaled and thought, what are microbes?
Can you imagine, Ted Koppel, Nightline, the propaganda channel claiming aliens from outer space are here.  Is this "our government" telling us that aliens are here?
Ted brings this guy out who repeats, "they're here."  Then they show some animations of the earth cooling. Then meteors crashing into the earth's crust and spewing debris into outer space.  Then it showed how debris from other planets (Mars) could land on earth.
Then  someone at NASA coughed on a mirror and the germs survived the radiation of space travel.  I can't believe what I'm hearing and take another hit. 
Then the guy sez; "If we are the only intelligent life in the universe, it's up to us to populate the universe."  That was it, the beginning of the end I thought.  Sounded like moral justification to me.  Manifest destiny, etc.  Ask the indians about that.
Imagine if that happened?  What would it be like in a thousand years, or ten thousand years? Eventually earth would become known as mother earth.  Those that had lived there would be known as, "first earthers."  Then I thought, first earther sez;...earth first, don't pollute the universe.
Being an artist I thought we would need a sign or symbol to signify .."us."  I thought about earth being called the "blue planet."  At the most basic level of communication, shape and color I concieved a simple design.  A blue dot representing earth on a black back ground representing space.  I called it the "first earth flag."  The symbol for us.

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