E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Monday, April 28, 2014



The speech police are the thought 
police in disguise

The speech police escalate censorship to the level of an intellectual orgasm.

Two items in the news.  First there is now a list of 26 words someone wants banned from the work place.  If this trend continues soon people will no longer be able to talk because so many words will be banned there will not be enuff left to carry on a conversation.

In Canada someone wants opposition to immigration
to be a hate crime.  I don't hate 'em but I don't like 'em either.  Is that o.k. or should I expect solitary 
confinement ?

(Personal Note:  I personally feel that the U.S. government is a criminal and treasonous entity.
Illegal immigration is a crime.  Legal immigration is a ponzi scheme.  Now the only question left for America is will the Mexican's accept Islam?)

Is it just a matter of time till opposition to immigration or opposition to the government is a thought crime.

George Orwell said something to this effect...freedom of expression is being able to say something someone else does not approve of.

Freedom of expression is just that.  There is nothing that sez: except for racial or ethnic or gender slurs, or if kids can hear.

You don't have to like it.  If not being able to say something depended on someone else's approval we'd all be in deep doo-doo.

Who would get to say who get's to say what and when?

I am a performance artist.  I do an act called the "last hippy"

I have various signs I show.  One sez:  


Thousands of people walk by and no one objects.  Then a woman decides she doesn't like it and calls the police.

(On You-tube,"artsliberationfront)

She didn't have to look at it.  She could'a
walk away.  Who is she to decide what the others can see?

The following week someone else objects to the

guilt FREE SEX sign

More cops.  This time the summer wanna'be's.
In all the years I've been doing this that sign is the most popular sign that people want to have their pictures taken with.

The guy who complained sed if it was up to him he'd throw me under the boardwalk.  When I pointed out to the cop that was a terrorist threat, he said he didn't hear it.  Then threatened to take my camera and proceeded to throw me off the boardwalk for disturbing the peace.

How a piece of cardboard laying still could disturb anything remains to be seen.

Trouble is immature, inadequate wanna' be's drunk on a taste of power anxious to bully someone
to make themselves feel important and impress their superiors in hopes of being re-hired next year.
Their ego's need a victim.

Nobody made the guy look at it.  He choose to.  He could have walked away. Again who is he to decide for everyone else?

When you don't respect my right to pick and choose
my own words you don't respect me.  If you don't respect me you abdicate your right to my respect.

If you can decide what I can say, can I decide what you say?

If I can't say nigger, you can't say racist.

Better yet let's just respect each other's right to decide what words they want to use, whether
we approve of them or not.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and the right to express that opinion.  It does not depend on someone else's approval.

If you don't approve of what I say, just don't invite me to your party but respect my right to say it.

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