E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Monday, May 28, 2018


BRUCE...AKA: Caitlyn Jenner

has a new "constant companion"

A 21  year old transgender woman 
Sophia Hutchins

Are they homosexuals or lesbians?
Homosexuals pretending to be lesbians.
Talk about gender confusion.
You became a woman so you could have a man
in your life...then end up as a lesbian.
Seek professional help.

They live together in his 3.5 m pad atop a mountain. Recently on one of the propaganda sites a post 
ask the question, is masculinity a mental health issue?
You can guess the answer.

If masculinity is a mental health issue, what would you call this?  

Can you imagine what sex is like?  

Bruce is 68.  Sophia is 21.  A 49 year age difference.  If an older guy hooked up with a 21 year old chick the fem-
Nazis would be howling in the woods.  He would be labeled a sexual predator. The silence is deafening thus revealing their true hypocrisy.

I saw a video of him.  He walked like a man.
Those are man's hands.  The only person he is fooling
is himself.

What are they thinking, getting married and raising a family?

R-U gender challenged.  Here's a clue, the penis goes in the front whole not the back.  If your daddy didn't know the difference you'd be down the toilet with the rest of the shit.

There's a reason for boyz & gurls. There's a reason the little white stuffs comes out of the end.  It's about making
babies.  It's called the life force. (Gaia)  Look around you.  Birds do it.  Bee's do it.  Even seagulls at sea do...

....make babies...!!

It's about replicating ourselves over and over. A gay life style is empty and meaningless.

The good news is they don't re-produce.  Every LGBT
owes their existence to a cisgender couple.
Read Mom & Dad

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