E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Monday, June 29, 2020


.....at least not the brick and mortar kind...!!!

Last year when the asylum caravans were happening
I was thinking to myself what a solution could be to induce those people to stay put.

Well if was up to me I'd get the UN to move troops in to control the gangs.  I'd place a hospital ship in a dock....

......then I thought about the next obvious being schools and libraries......

Then I thought about it again.  Computers and the internet
have changed everything.  All knowledge is as close as the nearest computer.  Libraries are history.  Use the books for furnaces, etc.  Instead of schools everyone gets a computer.  That's all they need.

Many people depend on school to watch the kids so they can work.  The solution "social clubs".  They could be anything anybody wants, sports, arts, science.....!!!

Instead of everyone arriving and departing at the same time and the problems that creates there could be staggered schedules. The carbon footprint savings could be significant.

The more I thought about it the more I realized compulsory education should be abolished.  If you can choose your sex why can't you decide how much you want to be educated?

People would say it's bad not to be able to read, rite and  do rthmetic.  In the eight grade of a catholic school we were taught Latin.  Never used that or anything like geometry.  Who remembers cursive writing on a chalk board?

There would be any course available on the internet any time you want it no matter how old you are. You could decide what you want to learn when and how you want to, at your own chosen speed.

How's that for an idea?

The recent COVID 19 pandemic has shown the way for working remote.  You don't have to go to school, you can work remote.

Think about how that would effect the environment  ?

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