E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Friday, April 24, 2015


....never under estimate the power of a crowd of
stupid people.

The jihad against the cultural fascist of 

Asbury Park 

heats up when deputy mayor Amy Quinn comes out of the
closet and attacks culture.

The only thing that gives Asbury Park character is the board walk.
The only thing that gives the boardwalk character are the performers.

It is like shooting yourself in the foot or cutting off your nose to spite your face
to run off the FREE entertainment.



Raising the performers fees thru lies, falsehoods and innuendos is a step in the same direction.

In an article in the local politically correct mouth
piece the Asbury Sun (April 13) by
Michelle Gladden
Quinn sez...it's a no brainer..!!
(Guess who ain't got one)

She claims to have ....researched similar permitting
costs in area beach communities...!!!

Zat so? Guess what.  I've been working the East coast as a street artist for years.  If anyone would know about permits it would be me.  There are none that I know of.
So I went on line and Googled....

...Performer's permits Jersey shore..!!

Guess what?  The only one mentioned was Ocean City, NJ
and the reason was they declined to enact a performers ordinance.

Amy needs to explain where she got her information.
Is this something she made up?  An out right lie?
Shame. shame shame.


On April 16, 2015 I met with acting city mgr.
Tony Nuccio, Council members Jessie Kendal
and Yvonne clayton.

The first thing I complained about was the use of anonymous complaints.  It is illegal to give false
information to police.  It is also illegal for a police officer 
to use false information such as, "we had a complaint"
when in fact there was none to exceed his authority by running someone off based on fabricated information.  
It is a crime called abuse under the color of authority.

Over the years I have been repeatedly told,,
...we've had complaints...!!

Yet they can not produce one name.  If I have the right to face my accuser in court I have a right to know who complained.  If they are un-willing to sign a complaint then when an officer runs me off he is violating my right to face my accuser in court and due process.  Quinn as an attorney should know this.

She recommended "rotating" performers every two hours
at least an Ave away because...!!!

.....in answer to complaints from sunbathers 
and businesses who say they have to listen to the same performers all day long.

  The only complaints I have heard have been about the drummer.
He makes an effort to play where there are no businesses.

It's impractical.  How do you know how long a performer has been in one spot?  Does he check in with the summer wanna' be's?  What if there is someone else already in the spot he wants to rotate to.  Most of the musicians performing
play acoustic guitar that can't be heard more than forty feet away.

As for ...complaints from sunbather's and businesses.
Another out right fabrication.
Noticed the plural.  As in more than one.  Really?
If there had been one legitimate complaint the summer wanna' be's would have swooped down like the cultural gestapo they are. 

Then she out does herself.  On her Facebook page she
clarifies what she said.

....business owners on the boardwalk are one of the groups
requesting the increase....!!!

Zat true?  Business owner's as in more than one requested an increase.
Groups?  More than one group?  Magin that.  What are the names of these groups?

To who and when did they complain?  How did she find out?
As in where did she get her information from?

She complains that listening to the same musician for hours drives customers away.  Couldn't prove it in court if her life depended on it.  Let's see some documentation.  How do these owner's know the reason someone left is because they had to listen to the same musician (which they can't hear over their music anyway) for hours and hours.  How long does it take to eat a meal?

.....many businesses pay for music to be performed and the performer's conflict with them.

Don't think so Amy.  How much time have you spent on the boardwalk?  I spend summers there.  The only place besides McCloone's that have outside musicians is Langosta's.
In three or four years I have never once witnessed such a conflict or heard of such a thing.

Where are you getting your information from?  Making it up maybe?

Amy sez she has no trouble taking feedback.  That's good
because that's what this is.  My opinion is this is retribution for the un-flattering video I did of her prior to the election.
Visit You-tube>Channel>Capt Flash>Post>
Asbury 2 gether.

Sometimes people allow their sexual orientation to 
influence their judgement.

In the meeting with Nuccio I asked who was re-writing the 
ordinance.  The city attorney.  Guess who has absolutely no experience with street performing? I initiated and was instrumental in getting the first performer's ordinance passed.

I started on the streets in 1981 in Paris, France. I've worked from there to Venice Beach in L.A. and all the stops in between.  It's called experience.
I offered my in put.  The city declined.  Not a smart move.

The basic problem is the city is run by greedy, authoritarian power trippers.

The whole direction of this thing is counter culture.  It
is the wrong thing to do.  It is shooting yourself in the foot, cutting off your nose to spite your face, etc.  The performers are what give the boardwalk character and attract visitors.

It is foolish and counter productive to run off the 


Here's an idea, instead of raising the performer's fee,
abolish it then resign.

If you want to support the arts and culture contact
these people and express your opinion:

Acting City Mgr.

Tony Nuccio



Deputy Mayor


Council Members




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