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Tuesday, November 10, 2015


politically correct BS is getting out of control. 
Bill Riley said it is "totalitarianism". I call it America's "cultural revolution".  The worst excesses are yet to come.

Now it's Halloween costumes.  Some professor @ Yale said,
let kids be kids.  Students flipped out and were screeching
at him.  Said he was disgusting and did not provide a 


First there is no such thing as a "safe space".  
People are killed in their beds all the time.
I lived on a sail boat for 18 years.  Went from L.A. to N.Y.
No safe space in sight.

What they mean is where there are no opposing points of view.  That's called a circle jerk.  Everybody tells everybody else what they want to hear.  Some of these people are gonna' have a ruff time in the real world when they have to leave their "Safe College Space"

There was another thing where a woman tried to run off a reporter/photographer.  He wouldn't go. She called for 
some muscle.  What is a terrorist threat?

I predict things will get worse before they get better.

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