E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I up set Facebook with this so I'm telling it here.
Let there be no doubt Facebook is criminal and must go



Sometime ago I was thinking about conflicts.  When one tribe conquers another like Europeans over the Indians.

How does that happen?

When one tribe has an ace like a techno gene and are more cohesive than another group domination is easy.
Then I thought about how does that happen.  Then the thought came into my head.......



Think Ebola

Recently Bill Gates was talking about population
growth.  He explained while most of the planet
is projected to increase by 20% S.E. Asia and Africa are set to have explosive 50% increase in populations.

My, my, my 50%.  That is a serious increase.
He felt that Africa is the future so we should invest heavily in Africa's it.

Seems he is now back tracking and saying Africa must be depopulated to save Europe.

I guess they've worked out the bugs in Ebola

Now we got COVID19

This could be a time release weapon where every year for the next ten years
there are multiple out breaks that reduce the population in accordance with the UN's agenda 21

Lucky Us


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