E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


......2 day on Drudge report was a story of a wrestler..

...who claims to had sex with 10,000 women.
(The fem Nazi's won't like that)


All the time and energy that would take.

One night stands, blim blam thank you mam....!!!

He must have had a line outside his door.
Take a number and I'll be with you as soon as I can.
Someone said, how could you know 10,000 women.

I haven't been graced in fifteen years.  What happened,
he met these women and said, "let's fuck" and they said
where and when.

Sex with out passion or feeling is so
meaning less.  Such an empty gesture.
Why bother. Is it just about the count?

Some time ago I read of a woman who
bragged, claiming she slept with a
1,000 men

They must be rounding off those numbers.

Guess she must feel inadequate 

She'll probably complain. 
Claiming some sort of sexual discrimination.

"I could have slept with more if they would have let me."
Ya' know you can only fuck so many in 24 hrs.

Who do I sue?

Note:  Later in the day I read another article.  He is a sixty eight year old wrestler who also claims to have drank ten beers and five mixed drinks a day for twenty years.

Who has that much time to drink, screw 10,000 wimmen and keep a job?  Amazing human being LOL

A couple of days after posting this I came across an article where a woman claimed to have slept with

10,000 men

Thus putting the one who slept with a mere thousand to shame.

There is that rounding off of the numbers again.

Maybe she and the wrestler should get together and compare notes.
Then they could have sex and declare each other

ten thousand and one.


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