E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Sunday, April 7, 2013


...don't ya' think that would throw a monkey wrench into the master plan.  Think of the dent it would make in the carbon footprint with that many fewer trucks on the road. (Which translates into less profits for the oil companies)
You would be able to control what you eat.  You would know what is in/on the food you put into your bodies.  You would no longer be manipulated by big agri business.
You could become healthier and no longer be a source of  profits for the medical industry
Lawns waste water, are nice to look at but just an extension of someone's ego.
If garden movement was to take hold, the powers that be would out-law gardens and send their hired thugs around to enforce the law.
Can you imagine them "out lawing" gardens in the garden state.
I can
........gotta' go.  Some drones outside the window and a loud knock on the door.

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