Today, March 8, 2017
International Wimmen's Day
..what ever that means.
Recently there was a wimmen's march in
Washington, D.C.
Someone called it
"bitches on parade"
There were a lot of cars parked outside my place. I don't like crowds so I stayed inside.
That was followed by a day without
immigrants. I never would have known if someone hadn't told me. Didn't notice any difference. How about a week or a month. That'd be better
Now we got international wimmen's day. It's
hard to tell if they are complaining or celebrating.
A day without wimmen? How about a night with one?
That'd be radical.
It's been sed that the reason wimmen attract men is so they can reject them. It's a power trip.
Why do wimmen have sex with men. So they can
shorten up on the supply as a form of control.
In all fairness I must say this morning when I went for
coffee in the convention hall, it was free.
Compliments of some woman politician who wasn't there.
Thank you.
There were three wimmen behind the counter and a couple outside. They served me coffee without complaint.
Guess not everyone was on strike.
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