E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Sunday, May 29, 2016


I use to drive cab at night.  I thought as long as 
they need drivers my job is safe.

Then along came driver less cars.
Well I thought at least I'm safe as an artist.

Then along come robot artist.  They are going to have an art contest between robots.

For years it would be an elephant
and/or a chimpanzee who was
painting and of course they 
always sold well.

Recently there was an item on the internet about 
a child prodigy who at eleven did 
these Picasso imitations.  She was featured on 
Ophra Winfrey. 

When asked about Picasso she claimed
to have never seen his work.
What if she was lieing ?

She was visited when she was thirty.  She claims
to sell paintings for a hundred thousand.
The most she ever got was four hundred thousand for 
a paintings.

She had a studio in her parents garage.  She showed a piece that was done when she was nine years old.  I watched her paint and could tell she didn't know what she was
doing. She stored her brushes in cans, bristles down.
Anyone who paints for awhile stores the bristles up because when you store them down they take on a  shape.

Her work looked good for an eleven year old but for a woman who had been painting for some time I 
could tell she was still doing crude imitations of Picasso.
She had not evolved as an artist at all.

Someone in the comment section had  checked
her prices.  It was inquire or make offer.

How long and the market demand a price of
a hundred thousand.  How many can you sell
and who would buy them.

As the commentator said,  Eastern Europe is full of painters caught in a time warp who do the same if not better.

A give away clue was her studio was in her parents garage.
You can get a hundred thousand for a painting and you still have one from when you were nine.

Take a photo of it and let it go for a bargain at
fifty thousand.

If I could get a hundred thousand for a piece of
art do you think I'd have a studio 
in mom and dad's garage.


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