E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Saturday, February 11, 2017


This is one of my favorite stories that
needs re-posting


Once there was a young man who was
a seeker of the truth.  He wanted to know.

He had heard of a wise old man who lived in a cave on a mountain next to the ocean.

He climbed the mountain and found the old man.

He told him, I want to know the truth.

The old man pointed out over the ocean
and said, the truth is out there.

He went down the mountain and stood on the shore gazing out to sea.

Just then a sailboat came along.  He thought, that's what I need.

He went to a town, got a job, saved up his money and bought a boat.  Filled it with supplies and set sail.

He sailed back and forth, near and far.  When he ran out of supplies he would get a job till he had enuff money for more, then he would set sail again.

After awhile he docked the boat and returned to the mountain. 

He said to the old man,...there's nothing
out there.

The old guy replied.....

.....that's the truth...!!!!

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