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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The old hippy knows the lesson of possessions
...do you got them...or...do they have you

CAPITALISM=Buy something;
It's good for the economy, bad for the enviroment.
Capitalism is built on consumerism.  For Capitalism to function smoothley it is necessary to keep selling stuff.  Lotsa' and lotsa' stuff. Stuff that is not necessary.  It is necessary for the capitalist to continue to make a profit.
They don't like the ups and downs of the market.  Hire workers, lay off workers.  Lotsa' wasted energy.  Consistency works better. 
That means people need to continue to buy stuff they don't need.  People are "programed" to buy thru thier ego's.
The nieghbors kid gets a ten speed bike so to save face and maintain status you buy your kid one.
Who needs ten speeds on a bike?  For years one was good enuff.  Now they got twenty speeds on a bike.  Where will it end?  Bikes with four hundred and twenty speeds.
The fashion industry is the worst offender.  They prey on ego's and in-security's.  Gotta' have the latest fashion less you feel left out.  Not accepted.
Lotsa' money to be made there.
People are programmed to aquire stuff they don't need.  Stuff brings them a sense of security.
Look at all the stuff I got.  I must be important (Special and might not die) Gotta' hang on to as much stuff as possible.
(Hoarders are a good example of capitlist overkill)
The trouble is they get so much stuff they got to start managing thier stuff.  Keep it clean, repair it, etc.
This consumes time and energy.
Do not lay up your treasures where rust and moth doeth corrupt.  The second something is made it starts to deteriorate.  The bigger and finer it is the more rapid that progression.  Think of an aircraft carrier and how much energy is required just to 'maintain".  Then there is the law of dimishing returns.  There comes a point where no matter how much time and energy you invest a line of no return (deminishing) is crossed.
To make matters worse as soon as you aquire stuff
someone trys to take your stuff.  The rich man's maid snatches silver ware and food.  The gardener pilfers fertilizer and tools.
What happens next?  You got to secure your stuff.  Hire guards and lock up the stuff that is deteriorating.  Can't share the use value with others.
After all you payed for it and it's "your" stuff. That's the capitalist way.
Then people get so much stuff they have more than they need so they pay to store thier stuff. The
storage company pays a guard and buys insurance to protect the stuff that is deteriorating.
Ever hear of people storing stuff for twenty years before it's lost, stolen or destroyed or given away.
Think about how much time and energy is spent aquiring stuff you don't need but "want".  What are
in-secure ego's ?
Don't just sit there.  Go out and buy lots'
and lotsa' stuff.  You'll feel better.  Your friends will admire you (be jealous, but tha's another story)
But the reality is the stuff has to be payed for.  Even if you max out your credit card the piper needs to be paid.
  You gotta' go to work.  Commute a long distance.  Might be able to waste four hours a day going  some where, doing something you don't like with people you don't like and a boss who is an insecure asshole auditioning for control freak of the year(lotsa' stress)...so you can have more stuff than you need and are too busy to use and enjoy.
You can sit in a cubicle all day staring at a screen
on a beautiful sun shiney day while others are outside, sucking it up. 
You could ruin your eyes and develope ciruclation problems from not moving around.  Then about two
years before your due to retire and cash in your chips, maybe buy some art and travel your called into the office and are terminated on a fabricated excuse, like your too old.
You played for the end game and ruined your health to get there only to discover you didn't save enuff to pay your doctor bills.
Go buy something, anything, it doesn't matter.  The more expensive the better.

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