E-MAIL; artsliberationfront@yahoo.com

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Once there was a woman who lived in the greatest country in the world.
She went to the greatest city in the greatest country.
In the center was the tallest bldg in the world.
In front was a magnificant plaza.  On both sides were waterfalls and pools.  People sat around having lunch and talking.
The entrance was two stories high, made of glass.  She went inside and approached the guard desk, and asked if she could explore the bldg.  The guards were exceedingly friendly and told her not only yes but they summoned a guide.  A very good looking young man.
He escorted her via elevator to the top floor where there was a magnificant restaurant filled with beautiful people and a panoramic view of the entire city. 
They ate delicous food and drank great wine.
When they were finished she said she wanted to walk down.  So they did.  On each floor they stopped and chatted with everyone, who were very friendly.
It took sometime but they eventually ended up in the lobby.  She thanked him profusely then sed; is that all there is?  He enthuasticaly replied no.  There are eight basements.  She sed;  how could I see all the floors in the tallest bldg in the world and not see the basement ?  So they proceeded thru four floors of parking garages.  Then he took her thru three more floors of machinery.  Air conditioning and heating units staffed by friendly engineers.
Then there was only one more floor to see.
She sed;  how can I see every floor but one? He sed;  there's nothing down there.  She sed; she wanted to see it anyway.  There was no elevator so
they had to walk down a flight of stairs.  When they got to the bottom floor she realized he was right.  There were corridors with a lot of empty rooms.  Some had a lot of boxes.
They were in the farthest corner and were leaving when she heard a sound.  It sounded like someone crying.  She asked him if he had heard it .  He sed; no, let's go.  But she couldn't.  She wanted to investigate.  He didn't want to and sed he'd wait for her in the lobby.
He left.  She opened the door to the last room in the last corner.  It was totaly empty, but on the other side was another door, slightly ajar.  There was a faint light there. 
She went and opened the door.  Inside, sitting in the lotus position in a meditation pose was a man.  His hair and beard were long and matted.
When she approached he opened his eyes and turned to her and sed; hello, what do you want ?  She asked him, what are you doing here ?  He sed; meditating.

 She noticed a light switch and turned it on.  When the room lit up she saw an easel in the corner, and a lot of really stunning, magnificant paintings.  She asked; did you do these?
He sed; maybe.  She sed; you should show these.
He sed; Why?   Do you think anybody cares?
She asked to borrow one.  He sed; O.K.
She rushed up to the lobby with it where she was certain people would go crazy over it.  The first person she showed it to asked her if she had done it.  she sed;  no, the guy in the basement did.  Then the guards came and told her she could not show art in the bldg without permission and had to leave.  She refused and was thrown out with the painting.
She returned to her small apt in a small town in the middle of nowhere with the piece of art.
She placed it against a wall and everyday would get naked and meditate in front of it for hours on end.  She experienced "spirtual ectasy" like she had never experienced before.
After a year she returned to the greatest city in the greates country and drove her car to the bottom parking garage, slipped pass the engineers and located the room.  She entered it.  The light was on, but the room was totally empty. 

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